How to Clean a Bengal Kitten’s Ears

When we bring a small fluffy Bengal kitten into our home, we take responsibility for its health. In addition to proper feeding, vaccinations, and fur care, ear cleaning should become a regular procedure. It is better to prevent ear diseases, which cause suffering to cats and take a long time to heal. Questions about how to clean a Bengal kitten’s ears, whether it is necessary to do it, if the ear is clean, arise often. Let’s look through the main tips.

bengal cat ears

How often to clean Bengal Cat’s ears

Whether or not a Bengal Cat’s ears should be cleaned can only be understood after a careful examination. It should preferably be done daily. You should make it a rule to look at your Bengal’s ears when he’s nestled in your lap. If there is no dark plaque, spots, dots, or scratches,  cleaning is not required.  Usually, the ears of a Bengal Cat should be cleaned once a months, thus such a preventative measure will not bother your cat.

You should clean your Bengal Cat’s ears if you find:

  • Dirt, dusty plaque
  • Spots, dots, or bumps of black or brown color
  • Dry dark crusts
  • Excessive wax, purulent discharge
  • Scabs, dripping blood
  • Unpleasant odor from the ear canal

You should also perform cleaning if the Bengal Cat shakes his head and constantly scratches his head behind his ears. The ears should be inspected daily and cleaned as dirty as possible.

What you need to clean the Bengal Cat’s ears

Many Bengal Cats do not like the cleaning procedure and may lunge, scratch, hiss, and even bite. It’s best to train them from an early age, as cleaning a Bengal Kitten’s ears is not difficult. A Bengal Kitten that has had its ears cleaned slowly and calmly since childhood will have no fear of this procedure. Some Bengal Kittens even like it, they squeeze their eyes shut and lie still.

Adult unruly animals are best wrapped in a large towel or a thin blanket. It is important that the Bengal Cat has no way to get his paws out. This way you will not only make the cleaning easy but also protect yourself from deep scratches.

What you need for the ear cleaning of your Bengal:

  • Cotton pads (sponges), you can replace with a soft cotton cloth
  • Cotton sticks
  • A special cleansing lotion or gel, available from your local veterinary store
  • Since cleaning Bengal kittens’s ears at home is sometimes urgent, you can replace the special lotion with vegetable oil or warm boiled water

You’ve probably known that any cleanser is applied to a cotton pad. Drip it into the Bengal Cat’s ears must not be used under any circumstances.

Rules for cleaning the ears of your Bengal Cat

In order to perform hygienic measures you don’t have to run after the Bengal kitten all over the house, drag it out from under the bed or take it off the closet, you should play with it or pet it a little before the procedure. Everything you need to do should be prepared in advance. To calm the Bengal Cat it may be enough to stroke it and talk to it in a quiet and calm voice. Prepare a favorite treat. A small bite may be given in advance.

Bengal cat ear cleaning

How to clean ears properly:

  • Wrap your kitten in a thin blanket
  • Gently bend its ear outward, so that all the curves of the inner part become visible. This is not painful for cats
  • Moisten a cotton pad or soft cloth with cleaner and gently wipe the whole inside of the ear
  • If there is a lot of dirt, you should take a clean disc and repeat the cleansing
  • A cotton swab should also be moistened and thoroughly clean of all the bends
  • The procedure should be repeated if necessary

The fact that a cat’s eardrum can burst is a myth. Bengal cats have a curve in their ear, and it is impossible to reach the eardrum with a wand. The only thing that can hurt is to scratch the thin skin if the wand is very hard or to clean it carelessly. It is important to make all cleaning movements from the inside out, otherwise, you can push the dirt inside the ear canal, which can cause an inflammatory condition.

Dirt in the ears of a Bengal cat can indicate an ear disease

Sometimes dirty ears are an indicator of disease. A visit to a veterinarian may be necessary if:

  • The ears become dirty within a few days of hygiene procedures
  • A large amount of wax is produced in the ear canal
  • Persistent purulent discharge
  • Your Bengal is restless, itches often, and scratches or shakes its head

These symptoms can occur with otitis of any severity or with ear mite infestation of the ear canal. Accurate diagnosis is carried out at a veterinary clinic. The earlier the treatment begins, the more effective it is, and the less the animal suffers. Drops are used to treat ear infections. In some cases, the veterinarian may prescribe antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. And last but not least: when bathing your cat, protect the ears from water. After bathing Bengal Cats’ ears should be cleaned immediately with a soft, dry cloth.

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