When you are going to buy a Bengal kitten, of course you also think about who will take care of it. After all, such things as bathing, combing, nail clipping, eye and ear cleaning will be needed regularly. Bengals are not a difficult breed to care for, so after reading this article, you can easily answer the question, can your groom Bengal Cat yourself.
How to clean the ears of Bengal Cat
You just bought a Bengal kitten. Despite all the grief, you are just happy to see that your little guy is healthy enough not to cause any problems. You’re still anxious about your cat’s future. Bengal cat care is different from traditional domestic cat care. For example, Bengal cat grooming standards are quite different from typical cat care. However, not all Bengal cat owners are aware of the different grooming standards. We want your Bengals to be happy and healthy so we will share some grooming tips with you.
Combing Bengals
Before you can decide on a grooming plan for your Bengal cat, it is important to understand why Bengal cat care requires you to follow a different set of rules. We will briefly discuss the grooming habits of Bengal cats and their reasons. Usually, Bengal cats shed less than other breeds. However, there isn’t any evidence to support this claim. No matter if they shed or not, it is clear that Bengal cats groom themselves just as often as any other breed.
Cat saliva is more likely to be deposited in the environment due to frequent grooming. Cat allergies can be caused by the protein found in saliva. However, Bengal cats are generally hypoallergenic. However, this information is not relevant to someone trying to set up a Bengal cat care regimen. This is because if you want to care for your Bengal properly, you will need to consider these facts.
For example, if you are trying to decide how often you should brush your Bengal cat. This breed doesn’t shed as much as other cats. You might also consider reducing the frequency of brushing if you have a cat allergy. Brushing your cat should be done as often as you like. Just make sure you use the correct brush and follow the cat’s lead.
Washing Bengals
We’ve seen that Bengals don’t require to be brushed as frequently as other breeds. Now we can work on creating a routine for cleaning your cat’s fur.
While we have repeatedly said that Bengal cat care can be different in certain ways, the routine for washing your Bengal will not differ from other breeds. You will only notice a difference in the frequency of your cat’s bathing sessions. Your cat’s unique coat will allow you to wash it less often.
However, knowing how often to bathe your cat does not mean you will be able to do so. This is why we will be covering a few guidelines in this section. Before you bathe your cat, brush it. You can remove any dirt globs or mats that might be on your cat’s skin by brushing them.
Your Bengal is now ready to take a bath
An inspection should be performed before your Bengal cat takes a bath. To check for abnormalities, you should first dampen your hands and massage your Bengal cat. Look out for any rashes or abrasions.
Once you have completed the inspection, it’s time to get down and business. If you have already prepared a bowl of water, place your cat into the water. Now you can apply your shampoo. It should be approved for cats. Apply the shampoo to your cat and gently massage it. Rinse off with water.
After you have rinsed your cat’s shampoo, dry it with a soft cloth. Bathing your cat is more than just washing and rinsing. The process is similar to washing your body but you must be careful not to get water on your cat’s skin. Water is bad for your cat’s eyes and ears.
While you will still need to clean your cat’s eyes and ears, the details of how to do this are not covered here. You should know that a soft, dry cotton ball can be placed in the ears of your cat during bath time to keep water out.
We have assumed so far that your cat is a good swimmer. However, you should know that not all cats are willing to allow you to drink water.
What do you do?
You can only do one thing: Make your cat feel comfortable enough to take a bath. This can be achieved by making sure your cat doesn’t become too excited when it comes to bath time.
A dry shampoo is an option if your cat won’t allow you to bathe him in water. While your cat will need to remain still during the application, it won’t be as anxious about powdered shampoo as if water were used.
Cleaning Bengals’ Ears
We have already mentioned that you should keep water from reaching your Bengal cat’s ears when bathing; in truth, Bengal cat care is very similar to conventional cat care. You still need to wash your Bengal’s ears. Start by checking its ears. To make sure there aren’t any strange organisms or objects (e.g. Mites may be hiding in the ears of your cat. The actual cleaning can be done now. This step will be performed with an approved veterinarian-approved ear cleaner. Use a little cleaner on a cotton ball to clean your cat’s ears. To get the job done, you might need to gently fold your cat’s ears back.
Cleaning Bengals’ Eyes
Bengal cat care is similar to general cat care, in that it involves cleansing the eyes. This process will require another cotton ball. Simply dampen the cotton balls and gently rub the area around the eyes of your cat. The goal of the whole process is to clean the cat’s eyes. Your cat won’t be happy and it won’t like any of your subsequent attempts to clean his eyes.
Teeth Hygiene
We are all aware that cats have poor oral hygiene habits. However, your cat’s oral health is not something you should ignore. Your cat is just as susceptible as you to get them infected. You should keep your cat’s mouth clean to avoid these infections. Some people simply look at their cats’ mouths, while others prefer to brush their feline’s teeth. They don’t use any toothpaste or toothbrush for the job.
Yes, they make toothbrushes and toothpaste for cats (and dogs). You will need to buy cat-specific oral products. For instance, some cat owners start with their fingers to clean their cats’ smiles and then gradually move to use toothbrushes to replace their fingers. Although it may seem disgusting to use your fingers to poke your Bengal cat’s mouth, we believe you will do it because you love him.
Claws clipping
If your Bengal has not been declawed (a decision that many people support as your cat needs to be protected), then your cat’s grooming schedule will include nail trimming. Declawing is partial digital amputation. This painful procedure can cause chronic pain and behavioral problems. Some people will use regular nail scissors for this job, but we recommend you buy a pair of cat nail clippers. To ensure that your cat’s nails are neat and trim, the blades of these clippers must be kept sharp.
Overhauling Your Bengal Cat Care Routine
Grooming your Bengal cat can be stressful, no matter how meticulous you try to put together a routine. There is only so much you can do to make your cat happy. That comfort begins with getting your cat used to a routine. Even if your cat doesn’t settle into a routine, you can reward it for being willing to let you poke and prod at them for long periods. You never know. Your cat might eventually get used to being groomed.